Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lapplandia is still closed

Lapplandia building continues at a fast pace. But it will most likely take a couple of days before we open.

Take the opportunity to discover Sarek. Where you can fish, hunt, borrow boats and kayaks, and much more.

See you!

Jesper and Ewa

Abba Sweden at the dump!

Yesterday celebrated our old friend Ironwolf his birthday. He and his wife, Jodi, had organized a large birthday party where the entire budget was eaten up by Sweden's ABBA enormous gage. So hardworking couple had cut back on other expenses. Thats why the party took place at the local dump!

It does not matter us, only we get our money! hehe

Anyway, Jodi and Iron, had arranged a fantastic fun event.

Incidentally, it is particularly fun that so many Norwegian avatars have discovered ABBA Sweden! You are always cheerful and nice!

The next ABBA Sweden event takes place on Thursday. At 01:00 PM we are playing at Club Copenhagen at the Icehotel SL!

Clickable Abba-Anna governs the masses on the dancefloor!

Jodi and Iron tried to hide the fact that the party took place on a dirty garbage dump by the firing of tons of fireworks ....

The birthday child in person! Slightly off comments because of all the commotion. Congratulations Iron!

Large-smoker Jodi with curlers in her hair ... The picture was taken before she started drinking ....

Two construction workers in the service of the holy grid!

Birthday party! Wooo!!!!


Today its Ironwolfs bday! He has invited us all to the birthday party! ABBA Sweden plays at 01:00 PM SLT. See you!

Important infor about the Lapplandia sim

Hi everyone!

We are right now in the final phase of the re-make of Lapplandia! Today we have closed the sim temporarily. And it will be closed till we are somewhat ready!

Jesper & Ewa

A quiet Saturday

Together with guests and good friends we had a quiet but funny moment on Icetheatre SL yesterday. Elver Lerner entertained us with her blend of musical pieces, evergreens and songs from old films.
The star in person
Loo and Lounge is enjoying life
Elvera in the Phantom of the Opera part
Kil, a fantastic builder and organizer of builders, is testing new skins while listening:)
ABBA-ANNA in a pink dress!

The hosts

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Elvera Lerner at the Icetheatre SL 02:00 PM SLT

We are very proud to present Mrs Elvera Lerner at the Icetheatre!

Jan 30 02:00 PM (23:00 CET)
Classically trained, Elvera has performed in opera and operetta for years taking such roles as Mabel in The Pirates of Penzance, Rosalinda in Die Fledermaus. Gretel in Christopher Columbus and many more. She also sings and acts in musicals, performing such roles as Calamity in Calamity Jane, Dorothy Brock in 42nd Street and Killer Queen in We Will Rock You to name but a few.

Within weeks of joining ‘Second Life’ Elvera appreciated the instant excitement of live performance online and now she is delighted to be able to share her beautiful voice with the world.

She is a natural soprano but has a great belt and mixed voice which enables her to sing a mixture of songs to suit different venues and events from romantic ballrooms, to night clubs and theatres. She now has a growing and glowing reputation as one of the most beautiful singers in the while of Second Life. Come and see for yourself, if you agree.

Thump magazine says: "Definitely outside the Second Life® box, Ms. Lerner has a voice most singers would kill for. You can tell she has the training, the range and her range is unbelievable." []

What a blast!

What a night!

First ABBA Sweden played at Second Norway, one of SL's most professional communities. Mialinn and Co had built up a fantastic fun hippie / surf environment that suited glitter and glamorous ABBA perfect in a marvelous manner!

A BIG gold star to Mialinn who apparently read our booking contract carefully. She has responded to our "demands" at max 55 avis! We thank you with all our common ABBA heart!

And I'm sure the people who came in doing the same! You are a pro Mialinn! We could easily have been 300-400 people there yesterday.

There are only amateurs and bunglers that smash sims, as my old mentor always tell me!

After a very successful show we went back to the Ichehotel ballroom where we had the nice afterparty with friends.

Tonight will our old time friend Elver Lerner sing at the Icehotel SL. She kicks her show off tt 02:00!

See you then!


Friday, January 29, 2010

Make love not war!

Tonight invades ABBA Sweden Second Norway! It's flower power theme so on with your finest clothes!

Make love not war!

02:00 PM SLT(23:00 CET)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

68.796 items in inventory?

Har du problem med ett för stort inventory? Laddar ditt Inventory långsamt?

Igår skulle Ewa och jag på en fotosession, på en förutbestämd tid och plats med en fotograf som satt och väntade. Vi skulle ha speciella kläder på oss och problemet var att Ewas hår inte dök upp. LL hade återigen problem med sina asset servers och vi blev 45 min försenade till mötet och sånt är såklart inte kul.

Nu är Ewa sålångt ifrån en virrpanna som inte har koll på sitt inventory som det går. Ordning och reda är en av hennes riktigt starka sidor.

Men faktum är att hantera och säkerställa att ditt inventory inte svämmar över är jävligt svårt, det ramlar notecards, LM och objects över dig i ständig ström. Våra möjligheter att enkelt sortera vårt inventory på tex i vilken omfattning du använder grejerna finns inte. Möjligheterna att tekniskt managera ditt inventory är milt uttrykt undermåligt. Och detta slår inte bara tillbaka på dig utan på alla residents då LL´s asset servers ständigt tjockar igen. Och när LL´s asset servers tjockar igen...ja då vet vi ju alla vad som händer.

Griden är just nu under all kritik!

Jag avskyr pekpinnar (det verkar andra ha som sin SL uppgift och gör betydligt bättre än av vad jag gör) men så här gör jag för att ha mitt inventory under någorlunda kontroll:

Först och främst sätt upp en gräns på antal items. Jag har 20.000, därefter börjar jag agera och framförallt slänga:

1.Släng alla notecards och landmarks. Vad i hela friden ska du med dem till? Använd search om du ska någonstans. Kan du skriva in "Pimps & Ho´s Club" i Inventory Search så kan du skriva in ""Pimps & Ho´s Club" i Main Search. Argumentet ”Jag trodde det skulle vara bra att ha eventuellt någongång” håller inte på nådens dag.

2.Tar du mycket kort i SL? Bra det gör jag med, men spara dem till din hårddisk eller en extern lagringsenhet och inte till ditt inworld inventory. Glöm inte att ändra format till tex jpeg som tar mindre plats på din disk.

3.Sök på ”Demo” och deleta allt. Vad i hela friden ska du med en massa demohair till?

4. Sök på ”Object” och deleta allt. Du har ändå ingen aning om vad just det "Object" är. Och att rezza 68 "objects" för att finna just det "object" du letar efter verkar lite smådumt. Deleta alla 68

5. Gå igenom klädgarderoben, deleta allt du aldrig mer kommer att använda. Finns tyvärr inga Myrornas i SL. Skippa nostalgin! De där freebie kläderna från januri 2007 kommer du aldrig att sätta på dig igen. Jag lovar!

6.Bygger du mycket i SL? Kul! Det gör jag med. Då har du antagligen drösvis med textures. Boxa upp dem! Ta tex alla dina trätexturer och stoppa dem i en låda. Namnge lådan förslagsvis Woodtextures. Ta tillbaka lådan till ditt inventari och vips så har 378 items blivit 1. Du kommer inte bara sänka antalet items dramatiskt utan dessutom kommer du hitta dina textures mycket snabbare.

7.När du köper kläder eller outfits innehåller lådan , giver scripts, notecards, LM, storleks- och färgvarianter m m. Släng det du vet att du aldrig kommer att använda.

8. Har du dessutom en fru som jag har som ofta är i städtagen och kärleksfullt returnerar dina "tokroliga" grejer som du rezzat på bästa plats i vardagsrummet? Det finns en anledning till att hon städar undan dem: Hon tycker inte de är "tokroliga"! Kolla Lost & Found och släng skiten och rädda äktenskapet!

9. Och sist men inte minst, töm Trash can, annars ligger skräpet kvar!

Det finns säkert massor av andra tips, men en sak är säker. Gör du inget åt ditt inventory kommer du att få stora problem och det skapar problem för alla residents och konsekvensen blir att LL kommer att agera på något märkligt sätt.

Det är inte coolt att ha 70.000 items i inventory som vissa tycks tycka. Ge dem en straffskatt och piska dem offentligt!
För en stabilare grid!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A postcard from Hell

Got a postcard from the Evil Twins ..... please stop it! I have had enough!:)

Slum in vain!


Yesterday we received a call from one of our slum landlords. It was time for a party! Ewa was very excited, I was extremely skeptical. Partly because of Ewa penchant for "dirt", a whole new side of her that blossomed here. But even a party with a bunch of low-lifes. How fun is that? An upstart

Well, I have no saying in this so we went to the party!

And what a surprise it was! A nice classy club where one of the slums hosts played wonderfully laidback deep house!

I loved it!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Ok it was my idea to celebrate the honeymoon in the slum...Well....
And it's actually "just" a renwal honeymoon ...
and Ewa seems to enjoy it as a fish in water ....
Only we do not become infected by some disgusting disease ... the drunks and ho´s in the street have not seen soap or shampoo in years ...

Maybe I should have booked that Caribbean island instead?



The coming weeks will be extremely intense for Ewa and Jesper.

We are now building a completly new ballroom. The present is a relic from the summer of 2008. And it has its limitations, especially as it is spherical, which makes it very difficult to "furnish" and you who know us know we "re-furnishing" often. For example, we must build new walls for each event we do. And it is a waste of time.

Theme parties and theme weddings with style is our hallmark.

The opening party for the new ballroom, which is a replica of a one of Swedens most beautiful buildings, will hit you with amazement!

But obviously we have a lot of other things going on!

The next two weeks official program:

January 29 Abba Sweden plays at Second Norway. 02:00 PM
January 30 Elver Lerner sings at Icehotel SL 02:00 PM
January 31 Abba Sweden plays at Toor 01:00 PM
February 2 Foam Party at Icehotel SL 01:00 PM
February 4 Abba Sweden Icehlotel SL at 01:00 PM
February 6 Noma Falta at Icehotel SL 02:00 PM

Noma Falta, our own Noma, makes her first official gig with us. She has played several times on our private parties, but never on an official one. We certainly look forward to invite you all and enjoy SL's best blues singer!

See you!

Jesper & Ewa

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pictures from our honeymoon

First and foremost I would like to clarify that we will not show any nudity. No matter how much you nag:) No!

The morning began with Ewa robbed me and beat me inside a public toilet. That is what I call love!

Ewa sits and is remorseful and waiting for the bus. Jesper is in the hospital.

Ewa gives Jesper his wedding gift! A huge joint!

Ewa preparing today's lunch!

The latte hype does not fit these restless souls!


Jesper & Ewa

A message from a wedding suite

Oh, the clock is almost noon, and we've just woken up in the bridal suite somewhere in a secret location!

It was well late yesterday, but we had some fun!?:)

What fun and crazy friends we have! How long were you partying? When we went home at 03:00 local time, you had no intention of going home!

We had a wonderful, funny and emotional moment yesterday, and we are extremely grateful to have you as good friends! And that you wanted to share this moment with us! It means lot!

Thank you!

And a special thank you to Bock, Ars, Kil, Safir and Charlotte!


Jesper & Ewa

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Utan dina andetag

Idag är det vår dag älskling! Det har gått ett år sedan jag stod framför dig min vackra brud. Och vilket sanslöst härligt år det har varit. Och vilka härliga år vi har framför oss! Idag ska vi bara njuta och hänge oss!

Älskar dig!



Utan dina andetag(Kent)

Jag vet att du sover
känner värmen från din hud
bara lukten gör mej svag
men jag vågar inte väcka dej nu

Jag skulle ge dej
allting du pekar på
men bara när du inte hör
vågar jag säga så

Jag kan inte ens gå
utan din luft i mina lungor
jag kan inte ens stå
när du inte ser på
och genomskinlig grå
blir jag
utan dina andetag

Min klocka har stannat
under dina ögonlock
fladdrar drömmarna förbi
inuti är du fjäderlätt och vit

Och utan ett ljud
mitt hjärta i din hand
har jag tappat bort mitt språk
det fastnar i ditt hår

Jag kan inte ens gå
utan din luft i mina lungor
jag kan inte ens stå
när du inte ser på
och färglös som en tår
blir jag
utan dina andetag

Jag kan inte ens gå
utan din luft i mina lungor
jag kan inte ens stå
om du inte ser på
och genomskinlig grå
vad vore jag
utan dina andetag

Vad vore jag
utan dina andetag?

Friday, January 22, 2010

What a night!

Two ABBA shows immediately after each other.... It was perhaps a bit too much for us. But apparently not for you, when the sims was crowded all the time.

Many thanks to the superpros Dennis and Lizzo (Fruit Islands), who actually listened to us and limited the number of avis. And what was the result: The gig on Fruit Islands was the best so far outside Icehotel SL!

You concert organizers and event planners in SL: Learn from them! It is not fun with +80 avis at your venues when ABBA Sweden play.

Next gig is at Second Norway Friday 29 at 02:00!


All of us in Sweden ABBA

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Two Abba Sweden gigs on Friday!

Hi all party animals!

On Friday you will get your fill of the ABBA Sweden! Then, we have two shows.

First we finish the season on the Winter Palace. This stunning building located on Fruit Islands. Thus, it is the last day you can see this magnificent sim. And what is better than sliding around on ice skates to the tune of Dancing Queen? The show will start at 02:00 PM.

Then the band takes the limo and go over to DREAMS. Which is a relatively new club / venue. A very nice Dutchman named billybob. Show No two starts at 03:30 PM SLT!

A packed schedule in other words!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Foamparty

Well, then you have scrubbed and cleaned well ..... Dried soap ..... puhhhh ...... It took me around all night. But the important thing is that you have fun and are happy. Then I am happy. Although I am totally worn out now ....

But make sure to pick the champagne bottles and other debris next time. For as Ewa, she who govern and decide you know, it was not this last time.

We'll obviously have more FOAMPARTIES! Look this blog up or join the icehotel inworld group for up coming parties!

And Loo, thanx for the pics!
"Please Loo, take off your high heels, or stop stepping on my bare feet" Ironwolf had major problems during the evening.


Lounge, the old fisherman from Norway was so overjoyed when the cod stench slowly but surely disappeard from his body! You were not alone in being glad Lounge!:)

the evening's hosts, the evening's DJ, the evening's hostess, the evening cleaners, tonight's lifeguards: Jesper and Ewa!

See you all soon!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The bed relay

Someone (Alessia Kranfel or PetGirl Bergman) started this blog relay with the question: How do you sleep in Second Life?

It's actually an interesting question on which the majority appears to draw on their pyjmas, correct the pillow, snuggle themselves in the blanket, or with their partner and then meet the Sandman in a bed. Night after night, even as an avatar.

And we are no different, at least in in the way we sleep:) We always go to sleep in our bed. (I sleep naked, Ewa in pajamas Ewa, Ewa freeze if she does not get the downquilt over her haha).

Our bedroom bed is our wedding bed and has hung around for a while now:) Fortunately, I subscribe to updates as I get a new bi-monthly. With the new animations and other stuff. Otherwise the elastic bottom would have been a total mess right now. As you know you can do a lot more in bed than just sleep ...:) Had this been the RL the paramedics, police and psychotherapists have been constantly on the move outside the family Aska / Prinz house:)

Beds are otherwise my big fetish. I have hundreds of beds and I love them all!

It all started probably in my early days when I built and sold animated beds and since then I've been hooked!

In fact I built and animated the first beds to Icehotel SL but that was before our purveyor (Prime Furniture) took over. (Ty Reven and Win)

And will you buy an "ordinary" sexbed I strongly recommend Prime Furniture. The animations are worldclass and above all full of humour. Or how about to stretch at the end of the loveact?:)

Lots of love

Jesper & Ewa


Come join us at Club Copenhagen at Icehotel SL for a super 2 hours of amazing house and vocal trance with Jesper spinning tunes and Ewa as the cutest hostess on the grid!

This is the club event for you!!!

When: 1-3 PM SLT Tuesday 19 Jan.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thank you!

It was laggy!
It was crowded!
Concert organizers did not read the paragraph in our contract: Maximum number of avis 55!
It was damn fun!
We love this!

It was ABBBA Sweden!

On Friday 22, we have two shows. First stop is at Fruit Islands 02:00 PM SLT and Dreams at 03:30 PM SLT.

We will sleep well on Friday:)

PS A great tribute to Scottie and Caleb who arranged the practical lounge to us!

Jesper, Ewa, Anna, Greta & Erik

Success continues: Today at 02:00 PM on the Pillars of Hercules!

Success continues: Today at 02:00 PM on the Pillars of Hercules!

Today ABBA Sweden will play at Caleb and Scottie's stunning sim.

02:00 starts the show at the amphitheater!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Preparations for the big day!

Who says you cant dance and build at the same time?:)

ABBA Sweden, a cold hearted virtual rock band?

Yesterday we received a few offers to be on different SL initative to support earthquake victims in Taiti. I.e One 24/24 h Gala, which will take place tomorrow

We said no.

The offers were as follows: We would give our tip for the initative holders. And we get about 3500L of tip on a gig.

An event takes about 1 hour and we are 5 avis = 5 h
Each ava preparing about 1 hour before each show = 5h
And then after work will take about 1 hour in total

This means that these 11 h of work in total would provide 3500 L (13.81 USD )!!!! Pure idiocy! When people are dying like flies and total anarchy prevailing.

It takes 1 second to transfer money to a real life organization!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oops, almost packed 15 minutes before the show started!

When you are doing what we do you get a quick feel for whether it will be crowded or not. Thats the way it is! But yesterday evening was special. When we got to the ballroom about 15 minutes before the show was full of people!

This is crazy fun! See you at Pillars of Hercules, Sunday, Jan 17, 2PM SLT

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Platform boots mania today (Thursday) at 01:00 PM!

Today (Thursday) at 01:00 PM it's time for the kings and queens of platform shoes!

Today, ABBA Sweden plays in the newly renovated ballroom at the Icehotel SL.

Get there early! It will as usual be sold out!

See you!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The tattooed birthday boy .....

First and foremost: Thank you Ewa for hosted my rezzday party! It was awesome! I love you babe!

To my friends: You are completely mad!:)

What I knew we would have a surf party at our house, but tracked it out to something completely different ...! haha. Okay, most surfed but it was other things that attracted more!

And a special greeting to The Evil Twins: revenge will be sweet:)

See you and thanks again!