Monday, January 19, 2009

Our builder has spoken

Cur Waydelich, one of the builders, have written a nice post about his creation of the Ice Theatre SL. Thank you Cur!

The Theatre will be the "sit-down-and-listen/watch-arena", where we will have events like poetry reading, classical music events etc. Do you have any input of what you want to see pls dont hesitate to contact mer or Ewa.

The other builders are Only (The Ballroom), Ewa (the hotel) and I have done the "run-downed shacks" at the shopping street. Terraforming have Ewa and I done together.

Puhh we are almost done now!!! will never be done with this!

And by the way, this weekend we popped into Vlad Bjornson who gave us some good tips of doing lovely rivers. You have to come and see it!

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