Thursday, August 27, 2009

Snuff and pussy and schnapps!

Singing and drinking at at crayfish party is a must! I have one fav called “Snus, mus och brännvin” which my grandmother always solo-sang. When I was a little innocent kid I loved this performance of her, but when I grew older and understood the lyrics I felt soooo embarrassed….

/: Snus och mus och brännvin
det är det bästa jag vet. :/
Snusen den tuggar man,
musen den luggar man.
Snus och mus och brännvin
är det bästa jag vet!

And here is the English translation:

/: Snuff and pussy and schnapps
that’s the best I know
You are chewing the snuff
You are pulling the pussy´s (hair)
Snuff and pussy and schnapps
that’s the best I know:/

See you at the crayfish party tonite!

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