Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bra info ang emerald

Har själv använt emerald och gillat den skarpt, men har nu gått över tillfälligt till Imprudence.

Men då det florerar så mycket snackm och det är aldrig bram så tycker detta är vettig info:

Yesterday, the Emerald Development team received a large list of requirements and conditions from LL. Today we met with LL and reviewed all of those conditions for clarification. At this point, I can safely say that we fully intend to address and fulfill ALL of them as soon as we possibly can. We have been asked not to disclose the requirements at this time.

Although some of these conditions will be very difficult, we feel they are reasonable considering recent events. Due to that difficulty however, some will take more time than others to fulfill. It is a big list of things that we need to do and we will be providing LL with a time frame on each individual item by Friday. Once we have completed these items to the full satisfaction of Linden Lab, we intend to re-apply for the TPVD.

We feel it is important during this time to inform everyone that although Linden Lab has encouraged the use of other viewers, the use of the Emerald viewer is still a decision that is yours to make. Emerald will not be blocked unless we fail to fulfill our requirements in the time allotted.

Linden Lab has told us that they want us to stop using the emkdu.dll or llkdu.dll files because they are not compliant with the GPL. For those wondering what KDU is, it’s a closed source image decoding library which provides a significant speed improvement over the open source alternative. However, since LL wishes us not to use it, I would like to take a step in that direction as a show of faith to the Lab right now. I will ask our users to go into your Emerald install directory while you are not logged into the viewer and delete the file named emkdu.dll. The viewer will continue to function correctly however it will be slower. This is only a request from us and not a requirement. Our next release will not include this file.

In the coming days, some of the older versions of Emerald Viewer may be blocked from logging in at our request, this however will not happen until updated versions are made available on our website.

I would also like to extend a sincere apology to our users for all the confusion over the last few days. It has been a very difficult week for us but we expect things should start too quiet down now.

So in closing, I will reiterate, Emerald Dev Team intends to fully comply with the conditions set out before us by Linden Lab, and we plan to do so within the shortest time frame possible. Use of the Emerald viewer is still your choice and Emerald is not a malicious viewer.

Sincerely, Jessica Lyon and Arabella Steadham, Emerald Manager, Communications

1 comment:

Mera Kranfel said...

Ja det är bra info. Det visar att dom inte vet vad dom håller på med, varken nu eller tidigare. Dom inför nya features för snabbt.

Saker som verkar för bra för att vara sanna är ofta det.

Jag väljer hellre en client med mindre coola features, men en jag litar på.

Det fanns inget hos företaget bakom Emerald jag litade på så jag installerade därför aldrig den läsaren. "bloody hackers" tänkte jag redan för ett år sen.

O vem är bakom företaget? Arabella? Är det en tonårsgrabb? Who knows.

Jag rekommenderar iaf alla som vill känna sig lite tryggare att använda standardläsaren eller nån av de gamla beprövade "tråkigare" läsarna.

Men det är upp till var o en såklart.

Program som SL som kräver att portar öppnas för att funka och där du lämnar ditt inlogg id o lösenord kräver en pålitlig läsare. Och det är INTE Emerald....